In May we met some friends at Port Aransas, TX. We stayed in the
Pioneer RV Resort once again. A great RV park right at the beach.
We are hoping it stays open. We loafed a lot, ate great sea food,
watched the birds, visited the USS Lexington aircraft carrier in Corpus
Christi and walked on the beach.
The place we stayed
Mr. Heron
Flying away
Spoonbills courting
Whistling Ducks courting
The pelican family
One day we drove into Corpus Christi and visited the aircraft carrier the
USS Lexington. A worthwhile trip.
John & Jill's dogs, Anna, Gus & Elsa loved walking on the beach.
Especially when they got to RUN.....
Too much seaweed & jellyfish to go in the water.
Seaweed & Portugese Man-O-War
Lots of great seafood and fellowship
Lots of great dinners
Mmmm shrimp on the barbie
Sunset & moonrise